Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy

The terms of this service privacy policy are governed by the terms of this Privacy Policy as soon as you visit this website and use the services we offer through this site. By visiting this website and requesting our services through this site, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.

I. Purpose of the protection and processing of personal data

In accordance with the sensitivity of the work we have handled as SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi", the data of our customers or potential customers have been kept confidential and are never shared with third parties. The protection of personal data is the basic policy of our company. Before any legal agreement, our company and its affiliates placed great importance on the confidentiality of personal data and adopted it as a principle of operation and instructed their employees to work in accordance with this principle. We undertake to respect all the responsibilities of the law on the protection of personal data as SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi". The principles of our company regarding the protection of personal data include our subsidiaries.

II. Scope and modification of the policy for the protection and processing of personal data

This policy, prepared by our company, has been prepared in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (PDCP). The law came into force with all its provisions as of today. Data obtained from you with your consent or other legal requirements as prescribed by law will be used to improve the quality of the services we offer, to improve the services we provide and to improve our quality policy. Again, some of our data is disqualified and anonymized. These data are data used for statistical purposes and are not subject to law enforcement and policy. SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" The policy of protection and processing of personal data aims to protect and protect the data of our customers, customers, employees and customers of other companies working in partnership with us, as well as others relevant information.
Our company has the right to change our policy and code to the extent that they comply with the law and better protect personal data.

III. Basic rules for the processing of personal data

a) Respect of the rules of law and integrity: The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" questions the origin of the data which it collects or receives from other companies and attaches importance to their obtaining in the respect of the rules of law and integrity. In this context, SASU VTC EXPRESS sends the warnings and notifications necessary for the protection of personal data to third parties (agents and other intermediaries) selling the services offered by Paris Taksisi.

b) Accurate and up-to-date: The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" attaches importance to all data contained in the organization to be accurate information, incorrect information and finally to update them if personal data is changed.

c) Treatment for specific, clear and legitimate purposes: The SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi processes the data only in a limited way for the purposes provided and received during the service. It does not process, use or use any data other than for commercial purposes.

d) Connected, limited and measured for the purposes for which they are processed: SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" is limited to the purpose for which the data are processed and uses them to the extent required by the service.

e) To be kept for the period stipulated in the applicable law or for the period for which they were processed: The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" will keep the data of the contracts as long as the duration of the disputes, as well as the requirements of the commercial and fiscal law. However, when these goals are eliminated, the data is erased or anonymized.

It is important to note that the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi", whether collected or processed in accordance with the data consent, is still valid.

Economics policy

According to this principle, called backup principle, data that reaches the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" are processed only to the extent necessary. Therefore, the data we collect is determined by purpose. Other data transferred to our company is transferred to the company's information systems in the same way. Redundant information is not saved, deleted, or anonymous. These data can be used for statistical purposes.

Deletion of personal data

This data will be provided by our company when the deadlines to be met by the law, the completion of legal proceedings or other requirements will be removed.

Deletion of personal data

Upon expiry of the data, completion of court proceedings or other requirements, the data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymised by the company itself or at the request of the data subject.

a) Accuracy and updated data
The data contained in the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" are, as a rule, treated in the same way as the declaration of the persons concerned. The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" does not have to search for the precision of the data declared by the customers or the contact persons contacting the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi", nor because of this law and our principles of operation. The reported data is considered correct. The principle of accuracy and timeliness of personal data is also adopted by SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi". It updates the personal data that our company has processed at the request of the official documents or the person concerned. He takes the necessary steps for that.


b) Confidentiality and data security
Personal data is confidential and the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" respects this confidentiality. Personal data is only accessible within the company. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi, to prevent unauthorized persons and to prevent the loss of our customers and prospects. In this context, it is guaranteed that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy respected within the company.

I. Data processing

The collection and processing of personal data of the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" will be carried out for the purposes specified in the lighting text. Data is collected and processed to establish the contract and provide better service to customers.

II. Customer data, potential customers, business partners and solutions

a) Collection and processing of data for the contractual relationship
If a contractual relationship is established with our customers and prospects, the personal data collected can be used without the consent of the customer. However, this use is made for the purposes of the contract. The data is used in the context of better contract performance and service requirements. They are updated and updated as necessary. On the other hand, the data that our potential customers (potential customers) have left us by themselves are processed to provide them with an easier and better service. This data is deleted if it does not become a contractual relationship.

b) Data from trading partners and solutions
SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" is committed to acting in accordance with the law while sharing data with companies and partners. Data and business partners are shared with the confidentiality of data and data required by the service and they are obliged to take steps to ensure data security.

c) Data processing for advertising purposes
Hk. Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages by Law Hk. An e-mail message may be sent to individuals who have already been approved in accordance with the rules. A clear presence of the person to whom the announcement will be sent is required. In addition, the SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" complies with "the approval" defined in accordance with the same legislation. The approval must cover all commercial electronic messages that recipients send to their electronic contact addresses to promote your company's products and services, promote their marketing, promote their business or promote their content with celebration and wishes. This approval may be obtained in writing in the physical environment or by any means of electronic communication. What is important is that the buyer has agreed to send commercial electronic messages with a declaration of will, a name, a first name and an electronic contact address.

d) Data processing due to a legal obligation of the company or explicitly provided by law

Personal data may be processed without further authorization in order to clearly indicate the treatment in the applicable legislation or to fulfill a legal obligation within the meaning of the legislation. The type and extent of data transactions must be mandatory for the legally authorized data processing activity and must comply with the legal provisions in force.

e) Business Data Processing
Personal data may be processed in accordance with the service and the legitimate objectives of the company. However, the data can not be used for illegal services.


f) Télécommunications et internet

Les ordinateurs, les téléphones, les courriels et les autres applications attribuées à des employés de la société ne sont pas attribués à des employés qui aiment les fins commerciales. On ne peut utiliser aucun de ces moyens par la société exploitant ses caractéristiques et sa communication. La société peut vérifier et contrôler toutes les données sur ces véhicules. L'employé s'engage à ne pas divulguer de données ou d'informations sur le travail sur l'ordinateur, les téléphones ou les autres véhicules qui lui sont attribués dès le début du travail.

Partage de données personnelles

SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi for visualiser le service fourni par SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi".

SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" peut être transféré à des personnes physiques et des institutions suivantes;
»Afin de garantir la réalisation des objectifs commerciaux du partenariat, des partenaires de la SASU VTC EXPRESS" Paris Taksisi "
»VTC EXPRESS" Paris Taksisi "permet de fournir les services nécessaires à notre société dans le but de bien les gérer.
»Aux partenaires solutions de SASU VTC EXPRESS" Paris Taksisi ", afin de garantir la réalisation d'activités commerciales, la participation de nos filiales,
»Filiales SASU VTC EXPRESS" Paris Taksisi ".

SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" est habilitée à transférer des données de caractère personnel à d'autres dispositions de la loi et à l'identité de la personne, dans les limites de la confidentialité.

Droits des personnes liées

SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" a déclaré que la loi avait été approuvée avant le traitement.

Les données personnelles ont été transmises par SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi".

a) Pour savoir si vos données personnelles ont été traitées,
b) Si les données personnelles sont traitées, demander des informations à ce sujet,
c) Connaître l’objet du traitement des données personnelles et savoir si elles sont utilisées correctement,
d) Connaître les niveaux dans lesquels les données personnelles sont transmises chez soi ou à l'étranger;
d) Demander la correction de données à caractère personnel en cas de traitement incomplet ou incorrect,
e) demandeur de suppression ou de destruction de données à caractère personnel dans le cadre des conditions prévues par la loi,
f) has not a transferer of personal data transfering data)
g) Objection to the emergence with a self-analytics and data, in fine analytics,
i) En cas de perte d'un traitement de données, le droit d'exiger la suppression du dommage. SASU VTC EXPRESS Nous respectons ces droits en tant que "Paris Taksisi"


However, individuals are not allowed to view anonymous data. The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" may share personal data with the institutions and organizations concerned for the purpose of exercising a jurisdictional function or the exercise of the legal powers of the State authority in accordance with commercial and contractual relations.

Holders of personal data may submit their requests for the aforementioned rights concerning the aforementioned rights by contacting us at or by email at or by email using the wet signature. They can send TORCY FRANCE to the company by registered letter and copy of the identity card (with copy of the front only for the ID card). Your requests will be answered as soon as possible depending on the content of your request or within 30 days of their arrival with us. You must submit your requests by registered mail. In addition, only a portion of your application will be answered and no request regarding your spouse, parent or friend will be accepted. The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" may request additional information and documents from the applicants.

The data of the SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi are hidden. No one may use, copy, reproduce, transfer to or use any third party for any commercial purposes other than those specified in the contract or for any other purpose.

Rights of related persons

All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi, to prevent unauthorized persons and to prevent the loss of our customers and prospects. In this context, the compliance of the software standards, third parties have carefully.

Rights of related persons

All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by SASU VTC EXPRESS Paris Taksisi, to prevent unauthorized persons and to prevent the loss of our customers and prospects. In this context, it is guaranteed that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy respected within the company. Security measures are constantly renewed and developed.


SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" has internal and external audits necessary for the protection of personal data.

Notification of violations


The SASU VTC EXPRESS "Paris Taksisi" takes immediate action to remedy the violation if a violation of the personal data is notified. Minimizes damage and compensates for damage. Upon receipt of personal data from unauthorized persons, the Personal Data Protection Commission shall immediately notify the situation.



If you have any questions about the confidentiality agreement, please contact us using the contact details below.

1 clear water villa

Tel: +90 505 140 86 61



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